I have covered many sports in my short career. I have been to ASU football, The Phoenix Open, track events and the Diamondbacks but nothing compares to the experience I had at Phoenix International Raceway (PIR).
Now I’m a love all sports. From basketball to power walking. So when I had the opportunity to experience a NASCAR race how could I refuse? I wanted to find out how people are entertained by 1,000 upon 1,000 of left turns.
I first started on the hill outside of PIR. These are like the cheap seats in baseball. You can see everything and some of the most die hard fans are out there. There were a bunch people who had tarps, were barbecuing, and were just having a great time. I met a man who was happy to explain the history of NASACR to me.
People use to their fast cars to out run the Feds. After the need for the wheel man ended these people asked themselves what they could do with their fast cars? They decide to race them and that was how NASCAR was created.
So after being educated on the history of NASCAR I wanted to go into the infield. You know, the place where all the RV and trailers are. Seeing the race from this perspective has totally changed my view of NASCAR. Just seeing how fast the cars move in person is ten times better than watching it on TV. The pit crews are always contemplating on what to do next, theirs oil flying everywhere, and people are always in constant movement. Let me tell you something. You haven’t lived until you’ve experienced a pit stop. It really one of these most exciting few seconds in sports. Just to see what happens in those few seconds is amazing.
After being blown away by the race I wanted talk to some of these die hard fans that are the infield. They are like their own little community. There were kids watching the race and playing football. Most guys were just sitting around drinking beer, barbecuing and having a great time. With all this going on I stopped and thought to myself where I have seen this before in sports? Then it dawned on me. It is just like tailgating for a football game, but instead of doing for a day NASCAR fans do for the entire season. I met people from places such as Tennessee and Arkansas. I was really impressed with their commitment to their favorite sport.
I actually met a nice young lady named Oakley. She was kind enough to give me a tour of her RV. She told me that it was passed down from her Grandpa and that most people inherited most of their mobile homes. She said that NASCAR was a way life. That people don’t just watch it, they live it.
I truly have a new respect for NASCAR. It is something I want to experience again. No matter what people say I feel NASCAR is a sport and do not judge unless you get a chance to experience it for yours
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