I really wanted to believe him. I am a very optimistic person and for a long time I believed Slammin Sammy really didn't take anything. I believed him when he said that he worked hard earn all his accolades. But now I just you don't know what to believe in anymore. Who is going to be the next name that is plastered all over Sportscenter. Like come on now. I just feel like everyone in baseball cheats. It just doesn't make sense. You don't hear the NFL and NHL having the much trouble with their players juicing so why does Major League Baseball? Why can't baseball take control of this situation? It should have never taken congressional hearing to figure out that this a serious problem. If this is Americas past time what does thia tell the world about our country? Does it show that America is just full of cheaters? I would like to think not but ESPN keeps reminding otherwise. Now everyone is this day and age has to be suspected of taking Steroids or other type of performance enhancing drugs. That means names like Griffey, Pujols, Guerrero and Ortiz, just to name a few, must be looked at very carefully when is all said and done. I don't care if they worked hard to get where they are or they have denied for years that taken nothing I will always suspect them of some type of foul play. It's just the era baseball I was raised in. It's unfortunate but true. Sammy Sosa was the last straw for me. In my mind every baseball player is now guilty until proven innocent.